Economic Board The Hague

Economic Board The Hague is an independent think tank and a driving force for the city’s economy. We combine the power of entrepreneurs and knowledge institutes in the city, provide solicited and unsolicited advice on economic policy and launch projects to strengthen the economy of The Hague. We always work in collaboration with other organisations.

Our board members in the spotlight: meet Kaushilya Budhu Lall

Since when have you been a member of the EBTH and why did you decide to join? I have been a member since its inception in 2017. My motivation is that I want to contribute to the objectives of the EBTH from my years of experience in the various aspects entrepreneurship in The Hague. From… View Article

Employers encourage walking, cycling and public transport during European Mobility Week

For the 3rd time in a row, numerous large companies in The Hague are taking part in European Mobility Week from 16 to 22 September 2024. During this week, employers and employees will be motivated to travel sustainably. In the two previous years, the week resulted in a decrease in traffic jams on the A4… View Article

Our board members in the spotlight: meet Michiel Middendorf

Since when have you been a member of the Economic Board The Hague and why did you decide to become a member? I am secretary of the EBTH and a member from the beginning in 2017. It was not a difficult decision to become a member: in my work at the World Forum The Hague,… View Article